3.Translate into Telugu the following extract from the story and compare it with the original story in Telugu. (Refer to teacher's handbook for Telugu version.)
"Sarada ! My dear Sarada !' She shouted and embraced her. The housewife felt
like a person totally parched and dried up, about to die of thirst - getting a drink of cool water from the new earthen kooja poured into her mouth with a spoon and given thus a new life. The friend did indeed give her a new life - You are Sarada. You came first in our school in the tenth class. You came first in the music competition conducted by the college. You used to paint good pictures too. We were ten friends altogether - I meet all of them some time or other. We write letters to each other. Only you have gone out of our reach! Tell me why are you living incognito ? Her friend confronted her.
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