What are the things that Americans do not like being in the USA?

Wages have become stagnant and full time minimum wage pay is less then rent in many places.

Rapid inflation, food, housing, education, on and on.

No work/life balance and needing multiple jobs to get by.

Poor health coverage.

No safety net for the poor nearly as developed as most western countries, if you can get help at all.

No mandated vacation.

No mandated maternity/paternity leave and pay for all workplaces

Education funding is based on taxes, rich neighborhoods get the crème de la crème of funding and poor neighborhoods get less curricular activities, bad water coming out of water fountains, no heat in a winter (Baltimore) leaking roofs etc.

Parents have to pay $100’s of dollars to buy school supplies, because the poor teachers have to fund their classes and many make low wages that they can't afford to. So that means wet wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, dry erase markers we even had toilet paper once. On top of all the other things we have to buy. It's an absolute shame.

Hidden fines and fees on everything, everyone is looking to con you.

Do anything and your license can get taken away or you will be fined such as non payment on a student loan, not paying for healthcare, owing child support the list goes on.

Taking homes away for late water bills, this tactic is practiced all over America's cities, even Flint with its bad water. They won't even give you lead poisoning for free…

Bad roads with potholes and run down buildings literally a few blocks outside tourist traps.

Driving everywhere and needing a car.

Boring strip malls and mundane run of the mill mega malls, no town centers with high streets and shopping districts like in Europe. When there is these places they cater to upper class people only, unlike Europe. Such as wine bars, boutique shops and over priced craft places.

Cops on the prowl for any minor driving infraction, “excuse me miss, I just seen your headlight go out when you came around the corner, I'm going to have to write you a warning” all the while he has this beaming spotlight blinding me from his undercover patrol car.

Someone mentioned before overhead traffic lights.

Corporations own the government, they have the listening ear the people won't get.

Chemicals, dyes and high fructose corn syrup in everything semi edible.

Too many rules that only exist for revenue collecting.

Police too aggressive over minor infractions.

Trucks with dangerous objects flying off and left on the interstate (Ironing board in the fast lane of the interstate at 70mph speed limit, a bale of hay, metal bedframe, a 24 pack of Deer Park water flying off a trucks tool box, sheets of ice, I could go on)

Cost of a quality higher education

Cost of childcare which can range over $1,000 - $2000 per month, with some poor worker that makes $9 an hour, meanwhile in Europe these places are free up to so many hours and the people who teach the professionals with a career in childhood development.

Kids are hovered over relentlessly, sorry kids if you are walking unsupervised even at an appropriate age someone will call on you and get your parents for neglect. We have mom's dragging their preteen sons in the toilets with them.

Men get judged being near or walking dogs in the vicinity of a park or school without someone thinking they are a pedophile or even getting suspicious looks.

Circumcision being pushed on little baby boys ( nurse came around 4 times to try and persuade me to get my baby son done, No!!)

US is a land of extreme opposites, for every ignorant person who is loud and obnoxious (we get judged by) there is an American that is intelligent and reserved. For every idiot throwing a brick at plated glass to rob a convenient store, there is some madman building a hydrogen bomb with recycled car parts in his basement. For every obese person zipping around Walmart on a scooter there is a thin person walking miles in rural America to get to work. So basically we are precieved by the world on our horrible citizens which exist in abundance.