How do I achieve 4,000 watch hours within 6 months of time?

There are several points to consider if you want 4000 watch hours within any point of time, 6 months can't be guaranteed.

Tending searches and topics:

Make your videos appealing to audience by making similar content as content result trending in the YouTube channel. If you have noticed “YouTube Vs ticktok” was last biggest trending searches and many YouTubers jumped right on it making tons of videos to get viewers. So this must be try and tested in YouTube channel.

2. Using SEO effectively:

SEO termed as search engine optimization, as it name suggest it is a process of growing the quality and quantity of any video by increasing the visibility of a channel to users. So your titles must be fairly optimized to the searched topic so that video is discoverable and so your description and meta tags.

3. Meta tags or simply say tags:

Use tags effeciently, that means that your tags must be long and descriptive and must be in order of preference. For e.g. If your video title is “ how to vlog” , your meta tags will be “ how to vlog in 2022”, “how to vlog in lockdown” or “how to vlog in quarantine” like this searches examples should be use in tags.

4. Thumbnails:

Thumbnails must be unique and different from others, here you are marketing yourself and you are your own manager, so to video come in suggestion of any of viewers box it should be appealing to them so that they click right thought it .

5. Content or story.:

YouTube has enough content for any person to sit and watch daily non stop 24*7, but what can appeal your audience to watch you only is your content you provide. Make sure people like your content otherwise they will go away and never going to come back again. So content is king take it seriously.

I am also making vlogging tutorial , may be posting a day or two so if you liked this answer care to check my description, channel link is there, you are welcome to watch the video.