More people thinking about different types investments but, about the health insurance they don't think. The indian population doesn't have health insurance over 73% in total population. The national insurance academy has reported in december 2023. The national insurance academy located in pune. That's why Experts are suggesting our first investment is put on the health insurance. 
In this blog iam giving about Benifits and features of Health insurance 
Many people suddenly hospitalized for the accidents with this we have to sell our properties and assets for saving our life. If you take loans they chase us in lifetime, So , if you health insurance we can get rid of this.

Benifits of Health Insurance
Whenever health problems arise or Medical emergency arise if you have already taken health insurance you can save your savings.
the second big advantage is cash less treatment means you don't want take money through you wallet. The total cost of treatment will paid by the health insurance company. In many standard policies there is a option which is Hospital Network on those hospital's you can get cashless treatment. 
By taking health insurance in small ages one of the biggest advantage is the premium price is low. Almost all diseases will be covered and you can get hospitalization along with you claim many benifits means Maternity benifit, Day care benifit.
one of the benifit is Tax benifit. If you had selected old tax resume according to section 80D the premium you are paying exemption of tax.
Now focus on imortant topics before taking policy your nearest hospital check in these hospital they have cashless treatment or not confirm it and check according which policy they are offering cashless treatement. In your policy they does covering post hospitalization charges or not check it. Generally in standard policies pre hospitalization in between 30 to 60 days and according to post hospitalization 60 to 180 days hospital fee will be covered. We also take an eye on is there any limitation on coverages. 
For example, in one hospital the maternity benifit is 50,000 rupees only if they charge is more than benifit in that case you have to pay the remaining charges. So if there any limitation in your policy you have to know it before taking the policy. In few policies there is an option that is CO-PA
Y  option means you have to pay some portion of fees. That's why you have to check the CO-PAY terms and conditions carefully. In the policies Pre-Existing disease waiting period conditions should read carefully. Why because whenever the claim is rejected we listen only about the situations. 

According to IRDAI, 48 months before buying the policy for any disease the patient had taking the treatment that situation known as Pre - Existing disease. Means whenever you take the policy you have to the company about that disease clearly Why because you don't  hide the disease rather than you have to explain it. When we comes to Waiting Period generally in standard policies it is between 2-4 years.
Finally the coverage period of the Health insurance also important matter but it depends on more topics
that means your age, your family's medical history and your salary like that topics. If your young and taking for you you can take the low coverage policies but if your taking policies for aged people or your parents then you take decision by thinking more 
Note: This is for information only, consult a financial professional before making a decision